We’re A2F.

That’s short for Acts2Fellowship - a Christian fellowship at Carnegie Mellon

What is A2F?

What is A2F?

Acts2Fellowship (A2F) is a Christian fellowship for students at CMU. We’re a group of students and mentors who love Jesus. We do life together, go on trips, study together, serve the community and above all, investigate the biggest questions of life and grow in our faith.

“Going into college I prayed for a good community and friends to grow with, at A2F I found both. 😁

Mauricio C.

“A2F is my second family that has brightened my days through fellowship, brotherhood, and good food. I can’t imagine my life without them.”

Tian M.

“Finding out about A2F has been instrumental in growing my faith as a Christian. A2F is like family no matter what, and they are very accepting."

Joy U.

Winter Retreat

Fri 2/9 - Sun 2/11 @ North Bay Adventure
Fee: $75 for Freshmen, $100 everyone else

Find out more info here!

Follow us @a2f.cmu